
A Week-by-Week Guide to Your Baby's First-Year Milestones

Every baby develops at their own pace but knowing early milestones helps parents know what to expect during the first year. Do not worry too much, and don’t take the guide word by word, as every baby is different and hits milestones at different timelines.  Although make sure that you keep your child’s paediatrician in the loop and notify them about your observations.  Week 1: Recognizes voice.  Week 2: Focus on objects 4-12 inches away. Week 3: Starts snuggling. Week 4: Makes sounds such as “coo” and “aah” Week 5: Smoother and more purposeful movements. Week 6: First genuine smile. Week 7: Starts understanding senses, and becomes partial to color. Week 8: Stronger neck muscles. Week 9: Fascination with sounds. Week 10: Recognises familiar faces in a group. Week 11: Stays awake for longer periods of time. Week 12: Fascination with their hands. Week 13: Laughs, chuckles and babbles. Week 14: Eye and hand skills.  Week 15: Starts to roll over. Week 16: Tummy time to ex...

4 Emerging Trends in Early Childhood Education

The generation is changing, and so is Early Childhood Education to help kids keep up with the world's demands and be future ready. There’s always more to discover, and early childhood education, when done right, provides lasting benefits to students while having a significant influence on their childhood. Something that’s popular in the classroom doesn’t have to be necessarily appropriate for you and your child. Here are 4 emerging trends in early childhood education . Read more to educate yourself and make the best choices for your little ones. Technology in Child development  Technology has become an ongoing trend with the constant upgrade and development in technology. Technology and device usage among young children is on the rise, with children owning devices and using the internet at a young age. Observe how your children interact with technology; since it’s an audio-visual form, you can use documentaries and educational videos to help your child learn. Play-based learning i...